Wednesday, January 13, 2021

How To Choose Your True GOALS?

 We often hear individuals speak about, setting goals, and appropriately, using them, to become better, etc, but, too often, we fail to pay sufficient attention to how to decide, consider, evaluate, understand, and choose our personal, true GOALS! After, over four decades, of involvement, in a variety of areas, related to personal development, and enhancement/ achievement, from advising, training, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, too, conducting thousands of personal development seminars, I have come to the conclusion, not only, is this process, important and significant, but, often, makes the difference between becoming our personal best, versus, settling for, far - less! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters. 

1. Guidance; guide; greater; genuine; goal - setting: One of the key reasons, for quality, goal - setting, is, when done, thoroughly, it provides meaningful, personal guidance, which should guide us, towards, our best path, forward! If we wish, to become, truly, greater, we will take this action, seriously, and proceed, wisely, etc, and proactively, forward! 

2. Open - mind; options; opportunities; original; optimize: Our best performance comes from proceeding, with an open - mind, and considering viable options, and alternatives, towards a quest, to optimize our overall performance, happiness, etc! This process considers a variety of options and alternatives, seeks meaningful opportunities, and taking advantage of, and, instead of trying to be, just - like, everyone else, seeks to become, the best, original, person, we might possibly, be! 

3. Attitude; aptitude; actions; attention: To become, the best, we can be, requires, proceeding, with a realistic, positive, can - do, attitude, combined with the discipline, and commitment, to learn, and discover, the skill - set, and quality, aptitude, which enhances our possibilities! When we pay, keen attention, and focus, on self - improvements, and the possibilities, our chances, improve, dramatically!

4. Like/ love; listen; learn; lessons; level - headed: Level - headed, reasoning, needs to be based on effectively, listening, and, consistently, learning, from every conversation, and experience, in order to gain expertise, judgment, and, hopefully, true wisdom! When, we consider these, as life's lessons, it assists us, with setting the most, personally - meaningful goals! 

5. Strengthen; stronger; sustainable; solutions; services: Our experiences, when used, effectively, strengthen us, and make us, stronger. We must consider options, on, both, a relevant and sustainable manner, so we consider, and choose, those solutions, which best - service, our personal, best - interests! 

Set your GOALS, use quality, goal-setting, and strive, to achieve your personal best! Only you can determine, by giving yourself a check-up, from the neck - up, and being, objectively - introspective, your best path, to follow! 

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. 


Thursday, December 24, 2020

5 Actions To Take, To Become Your Personal Best!

 Many of us, declare, they want to become their personal best, but, far - fewer, seem ready, willing, and/ or, able, to proactively, take the set of actions, needed, to achieve these lofty goals! Achieving this objective, means, taking personal responsibility for what you do, and/ or, fail to do, as well as how you behave, and, your personal priorities, perspectives, needs, goals, aspirations, and motivations/ inspirations. Far - too - often, individuals tend to avoid personal responsibility, blame others for whatever goes wrong (or, not, as you might hope for), and/ or, procrastinate, when proactive efforts, are indicated, etc! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 actions, which might assist one, in being the best, he can be. 

1. Demand your personal best, always:
Proceed, with objective introspection, so you can, objectively, recognize, and admit, both, your personal strengths, as well as weaknesses! You must never accept, good - enough, but rather, demand your utmost degree of truth, excellence! Greatness comes from thinking - outside - the - box, rather than settling for the same - old, same - old! How can you be better, than ever, unless/ until, you strive, to become, that way? 

2. Take personal responsibility/ Don't blame:
It's not a good idea, to blame and complain, when/ if, you should assume personal responsibility! Blaming others doesn't make you better, even if, temporarily, you believe, it will! Begin, with giving yourself, a check-up, from the neck - up, and, then creating a strategic, and action plan, to achieve, the finest, personal objectives, goals, and priorities! 

3. Consider obstacles as challenges, instead of problems:
Some believe, it really, doesn't matter, whether you consider, obstacles, as problems, or challenges. However, unless/ until you see them as the latter, you reduce your possibilities! When we see challenges, we feel. they are something, we can overcome, productively, but, problem - thinkers, often, spend more time worrying, about the possible ramifications, etc, than proceeding, forward, in a timely manner! 

4. Use affirmations, effectively and properly:
Personal affirmations are statements, we make, about things we care about! They must be worded, in the present, as well as, in positive language, to be most effective, meaningful, and used properly! It is usually, suggested, making an Affirmations List, of 10 specific items, worded in the positive. For example, if you wish to lose weight, the wording must be, I am proud of my body - image, and enjoy, living a healthy lifestyle, to maintain this. Never say, something, like, I want to lose weight, or, Need to lose some pounds! 

5. Persistence/ Don't give up:
The most successful people had their ups - and - downs, but, also possessed, the inner fortitude, and strength, to persist, and continue, when others, quit! Never give up, on your dreams, goals, aspirations, and priorities! 

Taking these 5 actions, are an essential set of first - steps, to becoming your personal best! Will you do, all you can do? 

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook 

Article Source:

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Friday, December 11, 2020

Your Online Business Fundamentals

 Software development is a multi-billion dollar industry, so it is not surprising that new tools are often released to meet the growing demand.

When it comes to online businesses, there is no exception

Marketing tools are essential for any company, including traditional businesses looking to go online, existing digital companies or any individual Internet marketer who wants to build an income from home.

However, with so many choices out there, which one is the most suitable?

Taking a closer look at the marketing software community, no shortages of options will come up in your research.

There are tools for creating websites, building sales funnels, and developing shopping carts so payment can be processed online.

While these are essential tools, the problem that many business owners face is that those products do not seem to be the most suitable for them.

For example, traditional business owners may find that the available products are overly complicated, especially if they do not have the technical skills to run the systems.

Then, there may also be aspiring entrepreneurs who are just starting out, and the high cost of all the available tools means that they are out of their budget.

Finally, there are just too many tools that a new business owner needs, and required to subscribe to dozens of tools on paid monthly plans while needing to understand and manage all the accounts, can quickly become overwhelming.

Because of all these reasons, that’s why GrooveFunnels was created.

GrooveFunnels is a suite of online business tools designed for business owners but without the complexity and the expensive price tag.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite, because GrooveFunnels is not only easy to use, it is also free.

When members sign up for a free GrooveFunnels account, they get immediate access to a website creator, funnel builder and shopping cart software, all of which allows them to have everything they need to start selling products and services online.

This is especially helpful for those with little to no technical knowledge because the entire suite of tools is so simple to use that even computer illiterate folks can copy and paste, drag and drop and click and scroll their way to creating professional-looking websites with sales funnels capable of taking online orders.

Not only that, but the free GrooveFunnels account can also add unlimited products, create sales funnels, build branded websites with full navigation, use custom domain names, sell products in just one click, and offer upsells, downsells and order bumps to customers.

Astonishingly, GrooveFunnels also has a powerful affiliate program built-in, which means that members can easily start their own affiliate programs and have their own affiliates promote their products for them.

Such a robust software suite is typically unheard of in the software development industry, much less one that is being made available for free.

For those who are looking for the new best way to build funnels and sell digital products, and would like their own complete digital products and services online sales system for free, now is the time to get started with GrooveFunnels.

Maxwell Baron

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Groove Funnels Review

A MUST for online networking and relationship building!!!

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Hope you enjoyed the video!

Now, it's time to experience the magic for yourself.

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How To Choose Your True GOALS?

 We often hear individuals speak about, setting goals, and appropriately, using them, to become better, etc, but, too often, we fail to pay ...