Thursday, December 24, 2020

5 Actions To Take, To Become Your Personal Best!

 Many of us, declare, they want to become their personal best, but, far - fewer, seem ready, willing, and/ or, able, to proactively, take the set of actions, needed, to achieve these lofty goals! Achieving this objective, means, taking personal responsibility for what you do, and/ or, fail to do, as well as how you behave, and, your personal priorities, perspectives, needs, goals, aspirations, and motivations/ inspirations. Far - too - often, individuals tend to avoid personal responsibility, blame others for whatever goes wrong (or, not, as you might hope for), and/ or, procrastinate, when proactive efforts, are indicated, etc! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 actions, which might assist one, in being the best, he can be. 

1. Demand your personal best, always:
Proceed, with objective introspection, so you can, objectively, recognize, and admit, both, your personal strengths, as well as weaknesses! You must never accept, good - enough, but rather, demand your utmost degree of truth, excellence! Greatness comes from thinking - outside - the - box, rather than settling for the same - old, same - old! How can you be better, than ever, unless/ until, you strive, to become, that way? 

2. Take personal responsibility/ Don't blame:
It's not a good idea, to blame and complain, when/ if, you should assume personal responsibility! Blaming others doesn't make you better, even if, temporarily, you believe, it will! Begin, with giving yourself, a check-up, from the neck - up, and, then creating a strategic, and action plan, to achieve, the finest, personal objectives, goals, and priorities! 

3. Consider obstacles as challenges, instead of problems:
Some believe, it really, doesn't matter, whether you consider, obstacles, as problems, or challenges. However, unless/ until you see them as the latter, you reduce your possibilities! When we see challenges, we feel. they are something, we can overcome, productively, but, problem - thinkers, often, spend more time worrying, about the possible ramifications, etc, than proceeding, forward, in a timely manner! 

4. Use affirmations, effectively and properly:
Personal affirmations are statements, we make, about things we care about! They must be worded, in the present, as well as, in positive language, to be most effective, meaningful, and used properly! It is usually, suggested, making an Affirmations List, of 10 specific items, worded in the positive. For example, if you wish to lose weight, the wording must be, I am proud of my body - image, and enjoy, living a healthy lifestyle, to maintain this. Never say, something, like, I want to lose weight, or, Need to lose some pounds! 

5. Persistence/ Don't give up:
The most successful people had their ups - and - downs, but, also possessed, the inner fortitude, and strength, to persist, and continue, when others, quit! Never give up, on your dreams, goals, aspirations, and priorities! 

Taking these 5 actions, are an essential set of first - steps, to becoming your personal best! Will you do, all you can do? 

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook 

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